hearts up

Graduated from training
Another crazy busy week here in Lakeville. Even though I'm officially done with training, I'm still running around like a chicken with my head cut off, that hasn't changed. Hna Meredith would tell me every day (still does) that no one knows what they're doing and I think I'm finally starting to figure out how true that is! She's got a lot of wisdom like that and I love to just soak it all in.

The lady bugs have been really following us around this week, or so we thought.There's been one or two in our car daily and we've just seen them everywhere. We thought we were some princesses or something but it turns out they are actually Japanese beetles and they bite so we don't know what it means that they're following us around...

Also we got our oil changed this week and you better believe we left our spiritual music in our car hoping Steve from the Chevrolet dealership in Shakopee could feel the Spirit. Just trying to spread the good word over here..

Okay. I don't even know where to begin. Like every week there were great things and super sad things. One of those sad things is that one our fav investigators found some things out about church history that she doesn't particularly agree with so she's struggling a bit right now. She still has faith and that's very important, I have hope for her! We're trying to figure out just what we can do to help her, if any one has got any advice, please shoot it our way!

Other than that this week has been such a roller coaster of emotions.I love being stressed because it is so motivating (I have never felt so motivated by stress before). Like when we have so much to do and we're so stressed so we just run around like fools and everything always somehow works out because God is just so good. Has that ever happened to you? If not you should just put your trust in the Lord and let him do His thing. 

A small miracle this week: We have been thinking about how we need to go check back up on this one person we have talked to all week. She kind of lives in an area where no one else lives and we hadn't had a convenient chunk of time to visit her. Then on Thursday, some of the elders call us and tell us they have a referral for us. Turns out he was already in our area book and it was the husband of the lady we have been trying to find time to see! Then on Friday we were like okay we're doing it, we're going, we got the message Holy Ghost! We got there, she wasn't home. We were like noooooo we know we need to see her. Then we were like okay we have to come again. So yesterday we made time to go and she opened the door and said, que milagro! She said she was just thinking about us the day before and how she wanted us to come over and bring the word of God! We had an awesome lesson with her where she told us of some struggles she was facing. We were able to give her the resources she needs to find comfort. It is so amazing how Heavenly Father uses us to help others. Like of course He would! It is just so incredible to be able to be in that position where we can be of help to His children in need. I know I have a long way to go of recognizing just when the Lord needs me but I want to challenge all of you to work on getting there too! I want to be someone that the Lord can count on, even in the most inconvenient of times. The Lord is there for us always, is it too much to ask for us to be there for him?

I hope you all have a great week. I am reminded week after week that it is the little things that keep us going. So keep praying, keep reading your scriptures, keep going to the temple, keep recognizing the Lord's hand in your life, and keep finding reasons to be happy! Hearts up, God is good! 

Quote of the week: "oh no I just got pen on my chicken" -Sister Grover

Pics: get ready I got lots

Helping Jorge with his yard muchas hojas

Last north half zone pic at service on Tuesday

The last hurrah
You know

MN is still beautiful

Convinced the sistahs to go on a sunrise nature walk (:

Fam told me they went to OPH, turns out 1 of 4 in MN are in our area wooohoo

Heart attack from last week 
