what will you give to Christ this Christmas?

Holaaaaa a todos

One week until Christmas! I can't believe it! Time is seriously flying. This past week I completed 6 months of being a missionary. I'm a little freaked because that means I only have a year left and I just know I have so much more to do and learn!! So I'm on it!

Something I will admit that I have not been too good at is quickly acting on first promptings. I have been focusing on listening and following the Spirit for about, well, 6 months now but this transfer Hna Sully and I have chose three focus phrases that we came up with together. The first one translates to "The Spirit always wins." This means that if either of us feels prompted to do something, we drop everything and do it. It's amazing to see how when we commit ourselves to the Lord, He gives us so many opportunities to follow through with our promise. This weeks promptings included turning around and knocking on a door we had just knocked on 30 seconds before and stopping our car in the middle of the street to talk to a woman getting her mail.

Our second focus phrase translates to "have the faith to see miracles." You all already know how important I think that one is. Let me tell you, the miracles keep coming! Some miracles this week were: a change of plans that took us to the library where we ran into an investigator and had a nice chat (about faith actually), the faith to keep working on an especially long day which resulted in finding two new investigators an hour before they were going to leave to Mexico for a month, and an incredible amount of less actives and non-members at our branch Christmas party.

Speaking of our branch Christmas party hahaha it was classic. I love this culture and think I am finally starting to semi-understand it. Let me tell you why I say that. Saturday morning we called our Relief Society President and asked her if we need to come early to help them set up decorations for the party. She then asked us if we knew of any decorations because she didn't think we had any. We agreed to be there at 5:30 (the party was scheduled to start at 6) to see how we could help. When we showed up at 5:30, we were the only ones there and the gym was empty, not even the table and chairs were set up. Hna. Sully was shocked becuause the other wards we helped out with were here all day setting up. But it's just how things work here, we throw it together. About 5 minutes later the family that made all the food showed up and they were like where is everything? So we set up all the tables and chairs, found some flowers,  lights, and these candle things we threw together for center pieces. The guests came and the party didn't start until 6:50 but as soon as it started, it was a pachanga. There were piñatas and a picture stand and even Santa. We took a picture with a member family and then everyone wanted us in their family pictures. We felt pretty loved. So all in all, it turned out after a big scramble but I've learned that's how it goes around here.

At Christmas zone conference about a week ago, Sister Barney talked about gifts. She started off with the question, "Is there a holiday we give gifts to others but not to the person we are celebrating?" When she put it that way, it really got me thinking about how little the world gives to our Savior. She then showed the video, towards the end it said, "We put Christ in Christmas when we give the gift he wants us to give, the gift of ourselves." How true is that? Christ has given us so much! He has given us peace, love, the gift of resurrection, His life, eternal life, and bastante más. He is EVERYTHING.  When reading in Alma 5 this week I loved Alma's testimony of the coming of Christ, "I know that Jesus Christ shall come, yea, the Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, and mercy, and truth. And behold, it is he that cometh to take away the sins of the world, yea, the sins of every man who steadfastly believeth on his name." I want to add my testimony of Jesus Christ to his that He came amd He still lives! He has given us the opportunity to find joy in this life because He chose to live and die for me and you. Sister Barney later asked us "What will you give to Christ this Christmas?" I want to extend the same question to all of you. Christ brings such a light into everyone's life. We can give all do a little more to give back. 

So what will you give to Christ this Christmas?
I hope you are all having a blast lighting the world! Keep it up!

no time to label these but it is hilarious to see my florida girl comp reacting to the snow lol
