burying weapons

Lily y Ruben

Wow trio life is a party and my journal is suffffferiiinnggg because of it.

Let me tell you about my two cute comps though. 

Hna Turner is the other hermana in the mission who was originally called to Puerto Rico. She is stoked out of her mind to go (in about 2 months now). She is from Smithfield Utah. She's only been out for 12 weeks and she is killin it. She basically originated our motto of all this random missionary clutter in the apartment, "throw it away." It's been hilarious to watch her every night when we come home, choose something new to organize. 

Hna Hudman is the cutest. She is from Idaho Falls, Idaho. She has only been out for 6 weeks and she has such an excitement for the work. Quick miracle with her well with all of us I guess. So on Thursday come to find out she has never asked anyone to be baptized. As we talked to the stls on the phone they challenged her to invite someone to be baptized in the next 24 hours. Our Fridayschedule was packed but we accepted, knowing if we had faith, He would provide. We found 30 spare minutes and Hna Turner (the one who knows this area) suggested a few people we could pass by to pop the question. Unfortunately our original option wasn't available and our back ups didn't answer. We walked out of the building and saw a hispanic man just chillin outside. We got talking with him and he seemed pretty open to our message and Hna Hudman just decided this was her moment so she asked him to be baptized! We were so proud.

Wow wow wow I have been blessed with young comps in the mission who just want to work work work, it's amazing. 

Basically everything about my mission as I knew it, changed this week. I left the area I grew to know like the back of my hand, I doubled the number of companions I've had simply by being put into a trio, and I painfully said bye to all the amazing people of Lakeville. I'm not going to lie to you all, I was overwhelmed by the call to train again and be in charge of two very young missionaries but what I forgot for a split second is that I'm never alone. I was quickly comforted and reminded that there is no growth in the comfort zone and I was growing to be too comfortable with where I was at. So it was time for a change.

I took this drastic change for me as an opportunity to alter some things in order to become better. I would like to invite you to do so as well. But first hear me out here.

I want to talk for a sec about Alma 24 that can apply to literally anyone. 

So basically here's what goes down. A group of Lamanites converted to the church and called themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehis. Their Lamanite bretheren who weren't converted were pretty angry with them and made preparations to go to war. But the Anti-Nephi-Lehis made a covenant with God that they wouldn't fight anymore. 

Verse 17 says, " 17 And now it came to pass that when the king had made an end of these sayings, and all the people were assembled together, they took their swords, and all the weapons which were used for the shedding of man’s blood, and they did bury them up deep in the earth."

I love the phrase in this verse "deep in the earth." They didn't just throw some branches on top so they could uncover them when they needed them. They buried them deep in the earth turning completely away from sin. 

Then verse 19 says, "And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace."

They were firm in the truth and they didn't look back after they repented and made covenant with God. One thing I have love to do is apply the scriptures to us. So how can all this burying weapons nonsense relate to us? 

We too can bury our "weapons" (bad habits, disobedience to certain commandments, impatience, pride, dishonesty, etc.), turn completely away from sin, and be firm in the truth. 

What are some weapons that YOU need to bury? 

This is the perfect opportunity for you to bury your weapons deep in the earth and never look back. I promise if you do so you will live with increased happiness and closeness to Jesus Christ.

Also for all you missionaries, if you want to throw it back to the mtc days all you have to do is sleep in a bottom bunk and change everything about your mission and it feels like your first night in the mtc.

Quote of the week: "I almost have bingo, I'm fantastic" -Neil form the veteran's home

I hope you all have a great week and know I love you all!

xoxo Hermana Hanson

I have a million and a half pics today and I can't even decide which ones to send so here

Saw Elders Hille and McNiel at transfers,
they're alive and doing well!
Bye to my cute Valeria
The church had no utensils so we ate
tres leches with what we could find
Relief society activity on Friday
My cute comps!
