tamales × 1,500

Operation tamale
Hola my faithful fans!

Would you believe me if I told you we made 1,500 tamales in 4 hours? I am just wishing I could send you all one right now over email.

This week was another typical not so typical week as a missioary. We had cancellation after cancellation. I kid you not when I say that 100% of our set appointments cancelled this week. That has never happened to me before. Yeah a lot have cancelled but never every single one!

I was okay though because I knew the Lord was preparing us for a miracle and wow did they come on Saturday and Sunday!

Saturday was one of those days where the Spirit just guided us exactly where to go. On Wednesday we had exchanges and I was fortunate to stay in Richfield for the day with Hna Tietz. I didn't know her that well but at the end of the day we are ready to be companions algun día. Anyway, on exchanges we had such an awesome day planned. But all our appointments fell through and not a single door was answered until 4:00. Hna Tietz served in Richfield a while back so she was excited for one of the stop bys we had planned to an investigator she found. But it obviously wasn't the time we were supposed to visit because we couldn't faith our way into the building. Fast forward to Saturday we found ourselves in the same area, our back up plans had just fallen through and we all thought of this José who to us was just a dot in our area book (along with about 50 other Josés). We got in the building which has been quite impossible to enter so we knew it was meant to be. We knocked and a man answered the door and we said we were looking for José. He said he was José but you don't understand this José did not fit the young soccer loving José in our area book, nonetheless we walked right in. Turns out this José is pretty cool too though. He's friends with a member in the ward and has been various times and has read parts of the Book of Mormon. We were able to answer a lot of his questions and his daughter was super excited about the gospel library app. Oh and turns out that was the only time the whole week he is at home...

Then later in the day, another one of our appointments fell through. We have been working on getting the members more involved and asking for lots of refferals. So we have been bugging a member we eat with weekly to give us all her friends to teach but no one has sat right with her. Well last week, she finally caved and said alright hermanas here is a building where someone I think needs the gospel lives. The only problem is that I don't have their apartment number. That's not a problem at all! It sounded like a fun adventure searching for them so we had a name and an apartment building and we were ready to go. The only thing is, the address was put in wrong and somehow we ended up in the elders area... (I just sit in the back seat, okay)

Well we found ourselves a block from the North part of our area and we don't have many people. We were like, why are we here Heavenly Father? Remember the family of the groom that was referred to us last week? Well we were right by their house and they were one of our many appointments fell through earlier in the week. So we passed by and hearts up because they were all home! The Father had been reading the Book of Mormon (we hadn't even met him yet) and the granddaughter recieved us saying, "this is great being with you I have been wanting to learn more about God and build a relationship with Him."

Ahaha we were so excited about the day we couldn't get over it on the way home.

To top the week off, the cute part member family we have been working with came to Sacrament for the first time!! I love them and we are finally going to be able to go over to their house this week and start teaching them!

Needless to say, the week turned out great and just the way it was supposed to. I find that this is the way life goes. We put in all the effort of what we think we should be doing and it fails over and over again. But we are so lucky because we have Jesus Christ who is right beside us the whole ti and a Father who probably lovingly laughed at us all week until He decided to throw some miracles our way. 

I've been thinking a lot about our Savior and what He has done for us and not just because I am a missionary but because we are celebrating Him and His glory this Easter season. I am grateful for His sacrafice for me individually, He felt all I've felt and so much more. I know He is always someone I cam turn to at any moment.

"There is no physical pain, no spiritual wound, no anguish of soul or heartache, no infirmity or weakness you or I ever confront in mortality that the Savior did not experience first. In a moment of weakness we may cry out, “No one knows what it is like. No one understands.” But the Son of God perfectly knows and understands, for He has felt and borne our individual burdens. And because of His infinite and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:14), He has perfect empathy and can extend to us His arm of mercy. He can reach out, touch, succor, heal, and strengthen us to be more than we could ever be and help us to do that which we could never do relying only upon our own power. Indeed, His yoke is easy and His burden is light." -Elder Bednar

Take some time this week as we ponder the events of the Savior's crucifixion and magnificent resurrection to ponder what he has done for you individually. If you aren't sure, I would invite you to start by saying a simple prayer to Heavenly Father to start building a relationship with Him. Let me know how it goes!

Lessons learned this week:
-always knock 3 times, you never know, someone could answer on the thrid knock who's brushing their teeth in their underwear.

-there is a wrong way to put the corn husk of a tamale 

-don't touch a 5 year olds legos

Quote of the week: I have seen too much underwear today. -Hna Hudman 

Have a great week! I love you all!

xoxo Hermana Hanson 

Trio life is rollin on

