applying conference, si se puede!

I drew cute things on my eggs but they didn't work out...
Hollllaaaaaaaa mis favoritas personas!

I feel like I just learned how to ride a tricylcle and now I'm back to a bicycle if you know what I mean. Okay that's a horrible analogy but back to just one companion for me! Hna Turner is off to train her own little hija, I'm a proud dad.(: As for me and Hna Hudman we will be staying here in Richfield and we are so excited to keep working together!

Wow didn't you all just LOVE General Conference? 

First of all, if you didn't get a chance. Watch now: I would highly recommend starting with the Sunday morning session.

Here are three main themes that I noticed:
1. Prophets are called of God
2. The importance of listening to the Holy Ghost and recieving personal revelation 
3. Loving others based on their needs like Christ did

I personally loved the theme of the importance of listening to and acting on promptings of the Holy Ghost.

This is something I have been working on since day one in the ccm. Coming out on a mission I had an unrealistic expectation that since I was a missionary, the Spirit was just going to tell me exactly where to go to have success. Coming out in the field I quickly realized that it is a lifelong process of learning to listen and recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. In fact, one of my questions going into last conference was, "How can I better learn how to recognize and listen to the Spirit?" It was amazing to read through those notes and see my progression over the past six months which is too small to measure in just days or weeks. 

Which brings me to a recent experience, I had with the Spirit. About a month ago, we met the most amazing woman who seemed so prepared to recieve us. But with her three kids, two jobs, lack of a car, and many other distractions we have been unable to meet with her. Last week, I asked Heavenly Father to help me recognize the Spirit's promptings, no matter how inconvenient. We were driving to an appointment on the other side of our area and I suddenly just knew that this woman was home right then. The funny thing is, my first thought was, "we can stop by her later when we go to that area, it would be super inconvenient to stop by now." Then I realized how ridiculous I sounded. I literally just ASKED for that promoting and my first reaction was to come up with a more convenient one. I told my companions we needed to go right then and so we turned the car. Sure enough she was home and had just enough time to tell us that she has been reading in the Book of Mormon and is still interested in us visiting her and teaching her more!

"My dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. Let this Easter Sunday be a defining moment in your life. Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly." President Nelson

This is the guidance we recieved from the prophet of God. What will you do to follow it? 

I have a renewed motivation to continue on in this life-long journey of learning to clearly recognize the spirit and follow through with action, no matter how inconvenient. 

I invite you all to choose one thing the Holy Ghost told you to work on from conference this week. If you're like me, you probably have a looong list. But we must not overwhelm ourselves. Choose one thing to APPLY today! If we don't apply the lessons we learn, have we actually learned them?

Quote of the week: (we've got a two)
"We are working with people that think faith is a gift given at baptism, it keeps me up at night."
"No it doesn't you went to bed at 10 last night...."

"Jesus doesn't love me, I'm Jewish."

To finish off with a few lessons learned:
-a nice man taught us that you don't necessarily need a key to get into certain buildings
-if the new tactic fails, the pizza man is the best man to get us into lock outs (if only people wanted their salvation as much as they want their pizza, right?)
-spring break is actually the worst... nadie está en casa

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter remembering our Savior. I love you all and hope you have the best week!

xoxo Hermana Hanson

US Bank stadium!

US Bank stadium!

Easter Sunday
