peonies and blessings

This week was WONDERFUL. The Lord has been blessing us abundantly, let me tell you about it.

There are peonies EVERYWHERE. I get so excited everytime I see a bright, blooming peony bush. There was this one bush that was particularly beautiful and after stopping by a potential who wasn't home, we took some pictures with these perfect flowers. As we were taking pictures we noticed there were two men working on a car in the backyard. One of them walks by to grab something from the front and we start talking to him. He wasn't particularly interested in talking to us but we saw his friend in the back and we really wanted to talk to him. So Hna Tietz goes, "I am really interested in cars, mind if we come take a look?" I think he saw right through that one and goes, "Well, we are really busy working." He walks away and I say, "toast" so we follow him to the backyard...

Well turns out it was just the guy we were looking for, Jesús! They actually were super busy so we set a return appointment for two days later. We went by two days later and Jesús and three of his homies were outside chilling. Basiclly it was like us and four middle-aged Hispanic  bachelors. The lesson wasn't ideal basically two of his friends argued for a good twenty minutes but Jesús kept telling them to listen to us. We only got to read a few verses in the bom before we were bombarded with a fresh set of questions. But it was incredible the Spirit those few verses brought. Jesús grabbed a scrap piece of metal and placed it in his Book of Mormon to mark the chapter.

That's not all though, Jesús and one of his friends came to church yesterday!! He said he loved the meeting and was already looking forward to coming next week! The members welcomed them with open arms, it was such an amazing sight to see.

Then there's Manuel.  We planned to go to two apartment buildings one afternoon. As we were on our way to the first one, I just felt like we needed to go to the other one first. So we made our way over. As we were walking through the apartment complex, someone waved at us (we are usually the wavers) so we started talking to him. Turns out it was this awesome guy Hna Tietz contacted before I got to the area. They didn't have any contact info but Hna recorded it in the area book in hooes of seeing him again. His name is Manuel and he was suoer interested in the BOM when she introduced it to him and when I met him he said he had been listening to it and really liked it.

No one else was there that we wanted to see was there and we knew we were there for Manuel. Looking back on the situation, we knew that was the Spirit guiding us to that apartment complex where we would find Manuel at that time.

That's not all either, Manuel came for part of church and stayed after for a baptism! He asked lots of questions and we are so excited to meet with him this week.

I am not sure if I've mentioned this, but one of my major mission goals has been learning to follow the Spirit. Seriously since day one in the ccm. One thing I still have a hard time remembering sometimes is that following the Spirit isn't always super complicated. Sometimes it's simply a good idea but looking back we can see that it was the Spirit. I have seen that soooo many times. It makes me think of a scripture I found while studying in Preach my Gospel this week.

DyC 52:4, "And inasmuch as they are faithful unto me, it shall be made known unto them what they shall do;"

This is the Lord commanding the saints to leave for Missouri, but I think it applies to us too. The Spirit isn't going to tell us every step we need to take, every turn we need to make, every person we shoukd talk to, but if we are faithful, He will send His Spirit to help us. We just need to do all that is in our power to be worthy of the Spirit. It is a life-long process and I am not even near perfect but I am grateful for the chance I have to learn everyday, repent, and try again. 

I am cherishing every second I have of being here in Minnesota, I love the Lord's work! As I've mentioned, the past few weeks have been really hard on me but I feel like myself again. The Lord truly is blessing us more than we deserve for our dilligence in finding for seven hours a day.  I have so many more miracles to share but no more time. I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Quote of the week: "God is a light baby." 

xoxo Hermana Hanson 

Comp inventory is better with Nelson's ice cream

exchanges with the Hmong Sisters

I have about 9378273 more pictures of peonies but I'll spare you (:
