decide now

Some of my fav people

It has been quite the week! Sending Hermana Tietz off was super hard, along with saying bye to Hermana Meredith. Ah I love them both so much. Also Hermana Sully is officially in Puerto Rico, sad day. A lot of good-byes. But also a lot of reunions. I got to spend two days as companions with Hermana Hudman. I never thought a mission would bring me some of my best friends and I feel so fortunate to have served with such great Hermanas.

Speaking of great Hermanas, Hermana Nelson is awesome! She is from Oregon and she has four months in the mission and she is so full of love! I am excited to work with her this transfer! Church was the biggest pachanga of my life. I got to see so many people that I adore and they welcomed me with open arms! I love being back in a ward where I previously served and to see how the work has moved forward in the past three months! 

Before getting into my new area I want to share a miracle we saw my last night in West St Paul with Hna Hudman. There is this lady that lived at our apartment building who Hna Tietz ans I always wanted to give a copy of the Book of Mormon to. She was always talking on the phone or with friends and we knew it was something that deserved her full attentiom so we hadn't had the chance. On Wednesday night Hna Hudman and I were checking out the trunk situation for transfers and she was walking around outside. She approached us and was like, "hi, I have noticed that you have a bunch of pamphlets in your trunk and I was wondering if I could maybe have one?" So then we shared the BoM with her and she was just so intently listening and was like wow that is very interesting, I have never thought of that before... Then she was like I am going to go read this right now and she cracked it open BEFORE she could even get inside. It was so cool!!

Then I got to North Minne! We are running around like crazy people. One thing I have continued from last transfer is giving out at least one copy of the Book of Mormon every single day. We have already seen so many miracles from it! On Friday we had a super busy day. We were running from appointment to appointment (which I haven't done in months) and we didn't have a chance to give out a copy and it was time to go home. I was like Hermana we have to, I haven't missed a day in like three months. I was high key stressed and I don't really know the area. We were trying to figure out where to go and a car pulled into their neighbors driveway and we were like we are going to give a BoM to whoever that person is. They were getting out of the car and it turned out they spoke Spanish! Ahhh so cool. They accepted a copy and I was YES. The Lord always, always provides.

A pattern I have repeatedly seen in my scripture study recently is that decisions need to be made before the choice arises. 

Take Moroni for example. He was alone but he was firm in his testimony of Christ.

Moroni 1:3 says,
And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ; wherefore, I wander whithersoever I can for the safety of mine own life.

Did he make that decision in the moment of need? Of course not! He had already made up his mind that he was a true follower of Christ. Like Moroni, we too must decide now that we are fully committed to him and whatever he asks of us. It's up to us! Decide now! It's never to late to decide and commit.

I hope you have a great week! I love you all!

Quote of the week: 
"Do you need a fork?"
"Do I look like I'm American?" -Oscar Matus 

xoxo Hermana Hanson 

We gave out 7 boxes of BoM in 12 weeks!

One of my fav people
