a mess in progress

Sister's conference
Hola a todos!

Busy, busy week. We had Sister's Conference, Transfers, Zone Conference, and a city event that resulted in only one hour of church and six hours of contacting.

First, I'll tell you about my new comp, Hermana Saldaña. She is awesome! She is from Chicago and her family is from Mexico. It has been fun to teach with her because she is a really great teacher. I feel like she is training me and I am learning so much from her already!

Our area book is still a disaster so we are working on cleaning it up, it's a process. We saw a dot in our area book that had like 6 people who had been taught a while back so we decided to stop by them after transfers. It was super special because we got in there and the daughter just called everyone in and the whole family (grandma, couples, and their kids) came and sat around and listened. The abuelita told us her mom was dying and she was wondering why we had stopped coming because she wanted us to pray for them. We went back a few days later and come to find out that one of the son-in-laws is a member who isn't active anymore but he was answering all his family's questions and concerns, it was so cool.

Also I feel the need to share a huge miracle from my last area. If you have been adequately following my emails, you know that time was difficult for me because I just couldn't see if I was helping anyone. Hermana Tietz and I ran around day after day searching for those prepared to receive the gospel, with what we thought was no luck. At this time I was really learning to be an instrument in the Lord's hands to whoever He needed us to talk to, no matter the language they spoke. One day, we were trying to get into a building to contact someone and this boy named Lil' Mike tried to help us get in. We couldn't get in but ended up giving him a copy of the Book of Mormon, thinking nothing of it. A few weeks later, we found Lil' Mike again at a completely different location, this time we thought it could be nothing else but divine design. We reffered him and his family to the English elders and this weekend, he was baptized! It gave me so much peace to know that the Lord trusted us enough to put Lil' Mike in our path to start his journey on the covenant path. Such an answer to so many prayers!

I don't even know what to touch on this week because I feel so spiritually fed from all the amazing trainings from this week.

The thing that keeps coming to my mind is a line that the temple Matron said about the renovation of the grounds of the temple that an Hermana expanded upon on her testimony. She said, "It's an absolute mess, but it's progress so it's beautiful to me."

I don't know about you but sometimes I feel like a mess. I am certain that Heavenly Father sees our progress and finds it beautiful. At times I feel like I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and I feel like a mess but I know that as long as I am putting the Lord's will first, everything will be okay. It's hard to see the bigger picture sometimes but I know that He does and that's all that matters, right? I have seen it time and time again. If we go about doing what we are supposed to be doing, the Lord will provide. I have definitely seen that this week. As we have gone about being obedient and working hard, the Lord has given us so many blessings and tender mercies and I am excited about where things are headed.

As always I love being a missionary and I love this time I have to invite others to Christ and to walk closely by Him. 

Quote of the week: "You know, not all moms teach their children to look in the mirror before they go out in public." -Sister Barney

xoxo Hermana Hanson

Love Hna Hudman

Hermana Saldaña!
